Table of Contents

CIL Method Bodies

Most methods defined in a .NET module are implemented using the Common Intermediate Language (CIL), and AsmResolver provides high-level disassembler and assembler capabilities for creating, reading and writing method bodies written in this language.

The relevant models in this document can be found in the following namespaces:

using AsmResolver.PE.DotNet.Cil;    // Raw models for the CIL language.
using AsmResolver.DotNet.Code.Cil;  // High level and easy to use models related to CIL.

The CilMethodBody class

The MethodDefinition class defines a property called CilMethodBody, which exposes the managed implementation of the method, written in the Common Intermediate Language, or CIL for short.

Each CilMethodBody is assigned to exactly one MethodDefinition. Upon instantiation of such a method body, it is therefore required to specify the owner of the body:

MethodDefinition method = ...

CilMethodBody body = new CilMethodBody(method);
method.CilMethodBody = body;

The CilMethodBody class consists of the following basic building blocks:

  • Instructions: The instructions to be executed.
  • LocalVariables: The local variables defined by the method body.
  • ExceptionHandlers: A collection of regions protected by an exception handler.


Basic structure of CIL instructions

Instructions that are assembled into the method body are automatically disassembled and put in a mutable collection of CilInstruction, accessible by the Instructions property.

var instructions = body.Instructions;

The CilInstruction class defines three basic properties:

  • Offset: The offset of the instruction, relative to the start of the code stream.
  • OpCode: The operation the instruction performs.
  • Operand: The operand of the instruction.

By default, depending on the value of OpCode.OperandType, Operand contains (and always should contain) one of the following:

OpCode.OperandType Type of Operand
CilOperandType.InlineNone N/A (is always null)
CilOperandType.ShortInlineI sbyte
CilOperandType.InlineI int
CilOperandType.InlineI8 long
CilOperandType.ShortInlineR float
CilOperandType.InlineR double
CilOperandType.InlineString string or MetadataToken
CilOperandType.InlineBrTarget ICilLabel or int
CilOperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget ICilLabel or sbyte
CilOperandType.InlineSwitch IList<ICilLabel>
CilOperandType.ShortInlineVar CilLocalVariable or byte
CilOperandType.InlineVar CilLocalVariable or ushort
CilOperandType.ShortInlineArgument Parameter or byte
CilOperandType.InlineArgument Parameter or ushort
CilOperandType.InlineField IFieldDescriptor or MetadataToken
CilOperandType.InlineMethod IMethodDescriptor or MetadataToken
CilOperandType.InlineSig StandAloneSignature or MetadataToken
CilOperandType.InlineTok IMetadataMember or MetadataToken
CilOperandType.InlineType ITypeDefOrRef or MetadataToken

Providing an incorrect operand type will result in the CIL assembler to fail assembling the method body upon writing the module to the disk.

Creating a new instruction can be done using one of the constructors, together with the CilOpCodes static class:

    new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello, World!"),
    new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ret),

However, the preferred way of adding instructions to add or insert new instructions is to use one of the Add or Insert overloads that directly take an opcode and operand. This is because it avoids an allocation of an array, and the overloads perform immediate validation on the created instruction.

var instructions = body.Instructions;
instructions.Add(CilOpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello, World!");

Pushing 32-bit integer constants onto the stack

In CIL, pushing integer constants onto the stack is done using one of the ldc.i4 instruction variants.

The recommended way to create such an instruction is not to use the constructor, but instead use the CilInstruction.CreateLdcI4(int) method instead. This automatically selects the smallest possible opcode possible and sets the operand accordingly:

CilInstruction push1 = CilInstruction.CreateLdcI4(1);            // Returns "ldc.i4.1" macro
CilInstruction pushShort = CilInstruction.CreateLdcI4(123);      // Returns "ldc.i4.s 123" macro
CilInstruction pushLarge = CilInstruction.CreateLdcI4(12345678); // Returns "ldc.i4 12345678"

If we want to get the pushed value, we can use the CilInstruction.GetLdcI4Constant() method. This method works on any of the ldc.i4 variants, including all the macro opcodes that do not explicitly define an operand such as ldc.i4.1.

Branching Instructions

Branch instructions are instructions that (might) transfer control to another part of the method body. To reference the instruction to jump to (the branch target), ICilLabel is used. The easiest way to create such a label is to use the CreateLabel() function on the instruction to reference:

CilInstruction targetInstruction = ...
ICilLabel label = targetInstruction.CreateLabel();

instructions.Add(CilOpCodes.Br, label);

Alternatively, when using the Add or Insert overloads, it is possible to use the return value of these overloads.

var instructions = body.Instructions;
var label = new CilInstructionLabel();

instructions.Add(CilOpCodes.Br, label);
/* ... */
label.Instruction = instruction.Add(CilOpCodes.Ret);

The switch operation uses a IList<ICilLabel> instead.


When a branching instruction contains a null label or a label that references an instruction that is not present in the method body, AsmResolver will by default report an exception upon serializing the code stream. This can be disabled by setting VerifyLabelsOnBuild to false.

Finding Instructions by Offset

Instructions stored in a method body are indexed not by offset, but by order of occurrence. If it is required to find an instruction by offset, it is possible to use the Instructions.GetByOffset(int) method, which performs a binary search (O(log(n))) and is faster than a linear search (O(n)) such as a for loop or using a construction like .First(i => i.Offset == offset) provided by System.Linq.

For GetByOffset to work, it is required that all offsets in the instruction collection are up to date. Recalculating all offsets within an instruction collection can be done through Instructions.CalculateOffsets().

// Calculate all offsets once ...

// Look up multiple times.
var instruction1 = body.Instructions.GetByOffset(0x0012);
var instruction2 = body.Instructions.GetByOffset(0x0020);

// Find the index of an instruction.
int index = body.Instructions.GetIndexByOffset(0x0012);
instruction1 = body.Instructions[index];

Referencing Members

As specified by the table above, operations such as a call require a member as operand.

It is important that the member referenced in the operand of such an instruction is imported in the module. This can be done using the ReferenceImporter class.

Below an example on how to use the ReferenceImporter to emit a call to Console::WriteLine(string) using reflection:

var importer = new ReferenceImporter(targetModule);
var writeLine = importer.ImportMethod(typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new[] { typeof(string) } );

body.Instructions.Add(new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello, world!"));
body.Instructions.Add(new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Call, writeLine));

More information on the capabilities and limitations of the ReferenceImporter can be found in Reference Importing.

Expanding and Optimizing Macros

CIL defines a couple of macro operations that do the same as their full counterpart, but require less space to be encoded. For example, the ldc.i4.1 instruction is a macro for ldc.i4 1, and requires 1 byte instead of 5 bytes to do the same thing.

AsmResolver is able to expand macros to their larger sized counterparts and back using the Instructions.ExpandMacros() and Instructions.OptimizeMacros().

var instruction = new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1);


// instruction is now optimized to "ldc.i4.1".
var instruction = new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);


// instruction is now expanded to "ldc.i4 1".

Pretty printing CIL Instructions

Instructions can be formatted using e.g. an instance of the CilInstructionFormatter:

var formatter = new CilInstructionFormatter();
foreach (CilInstruction instruction in body.Instructions)

Patching CIL Instructions

Instructions can be added or removed using the Add, Insert, Remove and RemoveAt methods:

body.Instructions.Add(CilOpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello, world!");
body.Instructions.Insert(i, CilOpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1234);

... or by using the indexer to replace existing instructions:

body.Instructions[i] = new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ret);

Removing or replacing instructions may not always be favourable. The original CilInstruction object might be used as a reference for a branch target or exception handler boundary. Removing or replacing these CilInstruction objects would therefore break these kinds of references, rendering the body invalid. Rather than updating all references manually, it may therefore be wiser to reuse the CilInstruction object and simply modify the OpCode and Operand properties instead:

body.Instructions[i].OpCode = CilOpCodes.Ldc_I4;
body.Instructions[i].Operand = 1234;

AsmResolver provides a helper function ReplaceWith that shortens the code into a single line:

body.Instructions[i].ReplaceWith(CilOpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1234);

Since it is very common to replace instructions with a nop, AsmResolver also defines a special ReplaceWithNop helper function:


Local Variables

Most methods will define local variables to temporarily store state throughout the execution of the method's code. Local variables are exposed through the CilMethodBody.LocalVariables property, and are represented using the CilLocalVariable class.

CilMethodBody body = ...;
foreach (var local in body.LocalVariables)
    Console.WriteLine($"{local.Index}: {local.VariableType}");

New variables can be created by calling its constructor:

ModuleDefinition module = ...;
var local = new CilLocalVariable(module.CorLibTypeFactory.Int32);

New variables can be added to the method:


Exception Handlers

Exception handlers are regions in the method body that are protected from exceptions. In AsmResolver, they are represented by the CilExceptionHandler class, and define the following properties:

  • HandlerType: The type of handler.
  • TryStart: The label indicating the start of the protected region.
  • TryEnd: The label indicating the end of the protected region. This label is exclusive, i.e. it marks the first instruction that is not included in the region.
  • HandlerStart: The label indicating the start of the handler region.
  • HandlerEnd: The label indicating the end of the handler region. This label is exclusive, i.e. it marks the first instruction that is not included in the region.
  • FilterStart: The label indicating the start of the filter expression, if available.
  • ExceptionType: The type of exceptions that are caught by the handler.

Depending on the value of HandlerType, either FilterStart or ExceptionType, or neither has a value.

CilMethodBody body = ...;
foreach (var handler in body.ExceptionHandlers)
    Console.WriteLine($"HandlerType:   {handler.HandlerType}");
    Console.WriteLine($"TryStart:      {handler.TryStart}");
    Console.WriteLine($"TryEnd:        {handler.TryEnd}");
    Console.WriteLine($"HandlerStart:  {handler.HandlerStart}");
    Console.WriteLine($"HandlerEnd:    {handler.HandlerEnd}");

    if (handler.HandlerType == CilExceptionHandlerType.Exception)
        // handler is a try-catch with an exception type.
        Console.WriteLine($"ExceptionType: {handler.ExceptionType}");
    else if if (handler.HandlerType == CilExceptionHandlerType.Filter)
        // handler is a try-catch with a custom filter:
        Console.WriteLine($"FilterStart:   {handler.FilterStart}");

New handlers can be added to the method body:

body.ExceptionHandlers.Add(new CilExceptionHandler
    HandlerType = CilExceptionHandlerType.Exception,
    TryStart = body.Instructions[0].CreateLabel(),
    TryEnd = body.Instructions[4].CreateLabel(),
    HandlerStart = body.Instructions[4].CreateLabel(),
    HandlerEnd = body.Instructions[8].CreateLabel(),
    ExceptionType = module.CorLibTypeFactory.CorLibScope
        .CreateTypeReference("System", "Exception")

Similar to branch instructions, when an exception handler contains a null label or a label that references an instruction that is not present in the method body, AsmResolver will report an exception upon serializing the code stream. This can be disabled by setting VerifyLabelsOnBuild to false.

Maximum Stack Depth

CIL method bodies work with a stack, and the stack has a pre-defined size. This pre-defined size is defined by the MaxStack property.

The max stack can be computed by using the ComputeMaxStack method. By default, AsmResolver automatically calculates the maximum stack depth of a method body upon writing the module to the disk. If you want to override this behaviour, set ComputeMaxStackOnBuild to false.


If a StackImbalanceException is thrown upon writing the module to the disk, or upon calling ComputeMaxStack, it means that not all execution paths in the provided CIL code push or pop the expected amount of values. It is a good indication that the provided CIL code is invalid.