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Advanced PE Image Building

The easiest way to write a .NET module to the disk is by using the Write method:


Behind the scenes, this creates and invokes a ManagedPEImageBuilder and a ManagedPEFileBuilder with their default settings, and will completely reconstruct the PE image, serialize it into a PE file and write the PE file to the disk.

To get more control over the construction of the new PE image, we can use and configure our own instance of an IPEImageBuilder instead:

var imageBuilder = new ManagedPEImageBuilder();

/* ... Configuration of imageBuilder here... */

After configuring, the builder can then be passed onto the ModuleDefinition::Write method as a secondary parameter:

module.Write(@"C:\Path\To\Output\Binary.exe", imageBuilder);

It is also possible to call ModuleDefinition::ToPEImage to turn the module into a PEImage first. This image can then be post-processed and later transformed into a PEFile to write it to the disk:

// Turn module into a new PE image.
var image = module.ToPEImage(imageBuilder);

/* ... Post processing of the PE image here ... */

// Construct a new PE file.
var fileBuilder = new ManagedPEFileBuilder();
var file = fileBuilder.CreateFile(image);

/* ... Post processing of the PE file here ... */

// Write PE file to disk.

To get access to additional build artifacts, such as new metadata tokens and builder diagnostics, it is possible to call the CreateImage method from the image builder directly, and inspect the resulting PEImageBuildResult object:

// Construct image.
var result = imageBuilder.CreateImage(module);

/* ... Inspect build result here ... */

// Obtain constructed PE image.
var image = result.ConstructedImage;

/* ... Post processing of the PE image here ... */

// Construct a new PE file.
var fileBuilder = new ManagedPEFileBuilder();
var file = fileBuilder.CreateFile(image);

/* ... Post processing of the PE file here ... */

// Write PE file to disk.

This article explores various features about the ManagedPEImageBuilder class.

Token Mappings

Upon constructing a new PE image for a module, members defined in the module might be re-ordered. This can make post-processing of the PE image difficult, as metadata members cannot be looked up by their original metadata token anymore. The PEImageBuildResult object returned by CreateImage defines a property called TokenMapping. This object maps all members that were included in the construction of the PE image to the newly assigned metadata tokens, allowing for new metadata rows to be looked up easily and efficiently.

var mainMethod = module.ManagedEntrypointMethod;

// Build PE image.
var result = imageBuilder.CreateImage(module);

// Look up the new metadata row assigned to the main method.
var newToken = result.TokenMapping[mainMethod];
var mainMethodRow = result.ConstructedImage.DotNetDirectory.Metadata

Preserving Raw Metadata Structure

Some .NET modules are carefully crafted and rely on the raw structure of all metadata streams. These kinds of modules often rely on one of the following:

  • RIDs of rows within a metadata table.
  • Indices of blobs within the #Blob, #Strings, #US or #GUID heaps.
  • Unknown or unconventional metadata streams and their order.

The default PE image builder for .NET modules (ManagedPEImageBuilder) defines a property called DotNetDirectoryFactory, which contains the object responsible for constructing the .NET data directory, can be configured to preserve as much of this structure as possible. With the help of the MetadataBuilderFlags enum, it is possible to indicate which structures of the metadata directory need to preserved. The following table provides an overview of all preservation metadata builder flags that can be used and combined:

Flag Description
PreserveXXXIndices Preserves all row indices of the original XXX metadata table.
PreserveTableIndices Preserves all row indices from all original metadata tables.
PreserveBlobIndices Preserves all blob indices in the #Blob stream.
PreserveGuidIndices Preserves all GUID indices in the #GUID stream.
PreserveStringIndices Preserves all string indices in the #Strings stream.
PreserveUserStringIndices Preserves all user-string indices in the #US stream.
PreserveUnknownStreams Preserves any of the unknown / unconventional metadata streams.
PreserveStreamOrder Preserves the original order of all metadata streams.
PreserveAll Preserves as much of the original metadata as possible.

Below is an example on how to configure the image builder to preserve blob data and all metadata tokens to type references:

var factory = new DotNetDirectoryFactory();
factory.MetadataBuilderFlags = MetadataBuilderFlags.PreserveBlobIndices
                             | MetadataBuilderFlags.PreserveTypeReferenceIndices;
imageBuilder.DotNetDirectoryFactory = factory;

Preserving heap indices copies over the original contents of the heaps to the new PE image "as-is". While AsmResolver tries to reuse blobs defined in the original heaps as much as possible, this is often not possible without also preserving RIDs in the tables stream. This might result in a significant increase in file size.


Preserving RIDs within metadata tables might require AsmResolver to inject placeholder rows in existing metadata tables that are solely there to fill up space between existing rows.


Preserving RIDs within metadata tables might require AsmResolver to make use of the Edit-And-Continue metadata tables (such as the pointer tables). The resulting tables stream could therefore be renamed from #~ to #-, and the file size might increase.

String Folding in #Strings Stream

Named metadata members (such as types, methods and fields) are assigned a name by referencing a string in the #Strings stream by its starting offset. When a metadata member has a name that is a suffix of another member's name, then it is possible to only store the longer name in the #Strings stream, and let the member with the shorter name use an offset within the middle of this longer name. For example, consider two members with the names ABCDEFG and DEFG. If ABCDEFG is stored at offset 1, then the name DEFG is implicitly defined at offset 1 + 3 = 4, and can thus be referenced without appending DEFG to the stream a second time.

By default, the PE image builder will fold strings in the #Strings stream as described in the above. However, for some input binaries, this might make the building process take a significant amount of time. Therefore, to disable this folding of strings, specify the NoStringsStreamOptimization flag in your DotNetDirectoryFactory:

factory.MetadataBuilderFlags |= MetadataBuilderFlags.NoStringsStreamOptimization;

Some obfuscated binaries might include lots of members that have very long but similar names. For these types of binaries, disabling this optimization can result in a significantly larger output file size.


When PreserveStringIndices is set and string folding is enabled (NoStringsStreamOptimization is unset), the PE image builder will not fold strings from the original #Strings stream into each other. However, it will still try to reuse these original strings as much as possible.

Deduplication of Embedded Resource Data

By default, when adding two embedded resources to a file with identical contents, AsmResolver will not add the second copy of the data to the output file and instead reuse the first blob. This can drastically reduce the size of the final output file, especially for larger applications with many (small) identical resource files (e.g., many Windows Forms Applications).

While supported by most implementations of the .NET runtime, some assembly post-processors (e.g., obfuscators) may not work well with this or depend on individual resource items to be present.

To stop AsmResolver from performing this optimization, specify the NoResourceDataDeduplication metadata builder flag:

factory.MetadataBuilderFlags |= MetadataBuilderFlags.NoResourceDataDeduplication;

Preserving Maximum Stack Depth

CIL method bodies work with a stack, and the stack has a pre-defined size. This pre-defined size is defined by the MaxStack property of the CilMethodBody class. By default, AsmResolver automatically calculates the maximum stack depth of a method body upon writing the module to the disk. However, this is not always desirable.

To override this behaviour, set ComputeMaxStackOnBuild to false on all method bodies to exclude in the maximum stack depth calculation.

MethodDefinition method = ...
method.CilMethodBody.ComputeMaxStackOnBuild = false;

Alternatively, if you want to force the maximum stack depths should be either preserved or recalculated for all methods defined in the target assembly, it is possible to provide a custom implementation of the IMethodBodySerializer, or set up a new CilMethodBodySerializer with the ComputeMaxStackOnBuildOverride property set to any overriding value:

DotNetDirectoryFactory factory = ...;
factory.MethodBodySerializer = new CilMethodBodySerializer
    ComputeMaxStackOnBuildOverride = false

Disabling max stack computation may have unexpected side-effects (such as rendering certain CIL method bodies invalid).

Strong Name Signing

Assemblies can be signed with a strong-name signature. Open a strong name private key from a file:

var snk = StrongNamePrivateKey.FromFile(@"C:\Path\To\keyfile.snk");

Prepare the image builder to delay-sign the PE image:

DotNetDirectoryFactory factory = ...;
factory.StrongNamePrivateKey = snk;

After writing the module to an output stream, use the StrongNameSigner class to sign the image.

using Stream outputStream = ...
module.Write(outputStream, factory);

var signer = new StrongNameSigner(snk);
signer.SignImage(outputStream, module.Assembly.HashAlgorithm);

Image Builder Diagnostics

.NET modules that contain invalid metadata and/or method bodies might cause problems upon serializing it to a PE image or file. To inspect all errors that occurred during the construction of a PE image, call the CreateImage method with the ErrorListener property set to an instance of the DiagnosticBag property. This is an implementation of IErrorListener that collects all the problems that occurred during the process:

// Set up a diagnostic bag as an error listener.
var diagnosticBag = new DiagnosticBag();
imageBuilder.ErrorListener = diagnosticBag;

// Build image.
var result = imageBuilder.CreateImage(module);

// Print all errors.
Console.WriteLine("Construction finished with {0} errors.", diagnosticBag.Exceptions.Count);
foreach (var error in diagnosticBag.Exceptions)

Whenever a problem is reported, AsmResolver attempts to recover or fill in default data where corrupted data was encountered. To simply build the PE image ignoring all diagnostic errors, it is also possible to pass in EmptyErrorListener.Instance instead:

imageBuilder.ErrorListener = EmptyErrorListener.Instance;

Using EmptyErrorListener will surpress any non-critical builder errors, however these errors are typically indicative of an invalid executable being constructed. Therefore, even if an output file is produced, it may have unexpected side-effects (such as the file not functioning properly).


Setting an instance of IErrorListener in the image builder will only affect the building process. If the input module is initialized from a file containing invalid metadata, you may still experience reader errors, even if an EmptyErrorListener is specified to the builder. See Advanced Module Reading for handling reader diagnostics.

To test whether any of the errors resulted in AsmResolver to abort the construction of the image, use the PEImageBuildResult::HasFailed property. If this property is set to false, the image stored in the ConstructedImage property can be written to the disk:

if (!result.HasFailed)
    var fileBuilder = new ManagedPEFileBuilder();
    var file = fileBuilder.CreateFile(result.ConstructedImage);